Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Here are some pictures from today at Mom and Dad's house for family dinner and to celebrate Mother's Day.

I made this for mom out of wood block letters and then mod podged paper onto the blocks:

A week or so ago I mod podged my initials so I knew that I wanted to do something like that for my mother's day present to my mom. This is how my initials turned out:

Isn't the owl cute?!

Pamela's cactus in the backyard is blooming

Self portrait, since I am usually the one taking pictures at family stuff, this is the only way I get a picture of me in the mix.


Here is Pamela wearing a cute new shirt and crocheting a shawl

Pumbaa and his rabbit

Here's Dad. His forehead is all healed up and you can't even see the scar from where they removed the cancer.

Matt, he just got a haircut, can you tell???

This is normal to see Matt texting all the time.

Belle (Pumbaa's mom) and Pumbaa


1 comment:

  1. Deborah, I am so glad you posted these pictures! It makes me feel like I am still in the loop. The gift you made for mom is so cute!!! You are amazing! See you in a few weeks. Love, Lauri
